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GOAL-d rush: Vernon offence explodes in lopsided win over California

GOAL-d rush: Vernon offence explodes in lopsided win over California

Vernon rolls into the semifinals at the 52nd annual Vernon Winter Carnival Coca Cola Classic Pee Wee Hockey Tournament
Village of Keremeos emphasizes not flushing wipes after expensive repairs

Village of Keremeos emphasizes not flushing wipes after expensive repairs

The repairs have also cost staff time from other projects
Town of Oliver sees decrease in crime figures

Town of Oliver sees decrease in crime figures

Noticeable decreases in almost every crime category in municipal RCMP statistics
Property crime activity increases in Osoyoos

Property crime activity increases in Osoyoos

Statistics from RCMP show decreases in violent crime, but not property crime
Kelowna Mountie not responsible for injuries: Police watchdog

Kelowna Mountie not responsible for injuries: Police watchdog

The RCMP officer followed but did not pursue a man who was later hit by a semi-truck
'No plans finalized' WHL says amid Penticton expansion rumours

'No plans finalized' WHL says amid Penticton expansion rumours

The Vees, meanwhile, declined to comment on the reports
Two homes lost in Cherryville fire

Two homes lost in Cherryville fire

Everyone escaped the blaze, but lost everything
B.C. links earthquakes in the northeast to fracking, oversight tightened

B.C. links earthquakes in the northeast to fracking, oversight tightened

Orders require operators to immediately halt operations if they trigger a sizable seismic event
Operators sought for iconic Penticton Peach concession

Operators sought for iconic Penticton Peach concession

License to use agreement also expiring for Skaha East concession
Police chat groups blurring line between public and private in Canadian courts

Police chat groups blurring line between public and private in Canadian courts