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A question not asked at the Keremeos all candidates forum

New candidates don't carry any baggage with them in the Similkameen

To the Editor:

Well, friends, another all candidates forum has come and gone, and yes, there were some questions asked. We heard from those that would like to represent us, that is, the taxpayers and citizens of Keremeos - or did we? The new candidates spoke of themselves and this village and how they see their role on council but contrast if you try to recall - we heard little to nothing from the incumbents.

Some say that experience counts. It would appear that in this case, experience sat quiet. The incumbent for the mayor seat offered not one thought, idea, or even the slightest of visions for this deserving and most patient  community. If one thinks about it, by offering nothing new that only could mean one thing, that is expect the old. I believe the people of this good village have waited much too long for all that is needed to be done and improved to which we would see our tax dollars at work for us. I have been here for twelve years, which means several all candidates’ forums. Always we walk away shaking our heads.

So, my question, had I stood to ask one would not have been to the candidates but to the people who attended the forum and to the rest of Keremeos, and I would ask: “Are you afraid of change? I hope that you are not come election day.

John Bassani, Keremeos