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Outdoor Recreation Council nmaes B.C.’s top endangered rivers

The pristine and beautiful Atlin River has been named by Outdoor Recre4ationCouncil as one of the top twelve endangered rivers in the province due to potential damming by Yukon Energy Corporation (YEC). YEC’s proposed project is to generate an additional two megawatts of power at the Whitehorse power plant.  The Atlin River joins other B.C. rivers such as the Peace, the “Sacred Headwaters” (the Skeena, Stikine and Nass), the Similkameen, and the Fraser, which are threatened by hydro development, coal bed gas extraction, or impacts of rapid urbanization.


Each year, ORC takes stock of the rivers, creeks and streams in British Columbia and identifies the ones which are the most urgently threatened.   Founded in 1976, ORC works on behalf of 40 provincial member groups, representing more than 100,000 individuals, as well as the general public, to protect the outdoor recreation way of life in the province.