The Oliver branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is the latest victim of the break-and-enters that continue to plague the community.
On March 8, at 7:40 a.m., officers responded to a motion alarm that had gone off earlier that morning to discover the property had been broken into.
“Unfortunately there was some miscommunication between the alarm company and the property representative that resulted in the police not being called to attend when the alarm went off at 4:20 a.m.,” said Sgt. Don Wrigglesworth. “Either way, this is a very frustrating event in that the amount of damage done far outweighs the items taken. Furthermore, it is also disheartening because of the disrespect shown to our veterans by desecrating a Legion.”
A padlock to the storage area was broken, and then the thief or thieves removed a vent system to crawl inside into the bar area of the Legion.
The safe and ATM machine were both damaged extensively but no access was gained to either and approximately $150 was taken from a cash float.
Neighbourhood inquiries and surveillance video have produced some leads, and the Forensic Identification Section has gone over the scene and recovered additional evidence.
READ MORE: Oliver break-ins continue despite major arrest recently
Oliver RCMP noted in its release that this break-in is not related to the break-ins that hit the community between October and February.
“The suspect in the majority of those break-and-enters remains in custody,” said RCMP.
The break-in at the Legion comes just days after two businesses on Tucelnuit Drive were also broken into.
The Summerland Legion was broken into and poppy donations stolen on Remembrance Day. The community rallied around the Legion, raising more than what was stolen.
READ MORE: Summerland comes out in a big way after Remembrance Day break-in at the Legion
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