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Last council meeting of 2011 deals with preliminary budget issues

Surplus realized in preliminary budget figures for 2012


Keremeos council reviewed the preliminary operating budget for 2012 and gave approval to the document at the Monday, Dec. 19 meeting of council.

A projected surplus coming from anticipated changes to revenue and expenditures is anticipated to make up the funding for 2012 budget change requests, the largest and most significant one being the hiring of another full time public works employee.

A projected tax increase of 2.2 per cent is planned for 2012. No changes are anticipated to sewer and garbage fees.

Council went over the preliminary budget line by line, making adjustments to the following line items:

- Donations and Promotions expenses budget reduced from $10,506 to $5,000.

- Reduction of financial and engineering consulting budgets by $9,500.

- Reduced heating and maintenance costs by $7,176.

- Reduced GIS services contracted to the regional district for $1,000.

- Reduction in building inspection service costs by $7,106.

- Road maintenance budget reduced by $2,923.

- Training and travel related to sewer expenditures to rise by $3,000.

Preliminary budget scrutiny revealed a potential $13,530  surplus in 2012.

Council also discussed the prospect of funding for a flag pole in front of the village office. The idea has been discussed for several years through several different councils, with one of the main impediments being a source of funding. Present council vowed to discuss the idea more thoroughly in the future.

Cemetery fees are on the rise. Grave space and columbarium fees are to double in 2012 in a bid to make the cemetery self supporting.