More than 1,400 and counting! That’s the number of old, inefficient, polluting wood stoves that Okanagan and Similkameen residents have exchanged over the past decade thanks to the Great Okanagan Wood Stove Exchange Program. Through the program, they’ve not only updated to cleaner burning, energy efficient appliances but they’ve also saved money and reduced the amount of air pollution!
From March through to May 31, municipal and regional area residents of the RDOS region can receive a $250 rebate when they purchase a new EPA/CSA emission-approved wood, gas, pellet or electric appliance and replace their old smoke-belching wood stove or wood insert. But don’t delay as this offer is good only to the first 117 exchanges.
Participating retailers have all the information needed as well as documentation that shows the emission ratings of all the new stoves. With today’s new technology, they can burn up to 90 per cent cleaner than old wood heating appliances.
- Visit your local participating Hearth products retailer.
- Pick out a new clean burning hearth product, freestanding or fireplace insert.
Choose from EPA certified wood, pellet, electric or gas burning models
- Render non-usable and recycle your old outlaw wood stove (ask your Hearth Dealer how to do this)
- Receive a $250 rebate (limited offer on number of rebates)
- Hearth Dealer will fill out all the forms
- Receive additional discounts off the price of a new clean burning Hearth Product from participating retailers
- When buying or replacing your wood heating appliance, check with your local municipal or regional government office on whether you require an installation permit
For more information on the Great Okanagan Similkameen Wood Stove Exchange Program visit one of the participating retailers: Accent Living, Penticton Home Hardware, Okanagan Home Centre, Princeton Builders Mart and Ok Falls Red Barn. You can also obtain information on the RDOS website: (click on air quality and then wood heating).
The Wood Stove Exchange Program is a clean air initiative of Regional Districts of Central Okanagan an d Okanagan-Similkameen.
- RDOS press release