D.A.R.E. (Drug, Alcohol, Resistance Education)is the foundational piece of the Community Prevention Education Continuum (CPEC) from Kindergarten to Grade 12, and is a social skills program which seeks to provide children with information and skills needed to live drug and violence free. It is a co-operative effort between the community, schools and the police.
D.A.R.E. educates children at the critical Grade 5 level, preparing them for entry into secondary school, where they are most likely to encounter pressure to use drugs. The curriculum encourages a positive and healthy lifestyle and focuses on providing children with:
Accurate information about drugs (tobacco, marijuana, alcohol and inhalants) and effects of their use.
Practical skills for recognizing and resisting pressure to use drugs and engage in risky behaviours.
Decision making skills that help students recognize the consequences of their choices.
Positive alternatives to substance use and violence.
Improved interpersonal and communication skills.
Enhanced self-esteem
The final class is the D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony. This is an integral part of the program where students are given the opportunity to proudly demonstrate what they have learned in the presence of their family and friends. Students will be reading their D.A.R.E. reports or creating and performing skits, songs, poems and display posters. Family and friends along with local dignitaries witness the presentation of certificates and the student’s pledges and commitments to remain drug free.
Location: SESS Elementary Gym
Date: March 14
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Refreshments served after ceremony.