All summer long the pennies, dimes and dollars have been rolling in to support our wagon wheel restoration project. The total so far is about $300 towards the needed total of $1,500.
You can now drop off your pennies at the Seventh Street Diner, Keremeos Hardware, Similkameen Agencies, and K Café. If you have a large amount of coins just call either Judy at 250-499-2883 or Doreen Smith at 250-499-2883 and we will come and pick them up. This month we’re adding a new way to leave a lasting impression of your generosity. When you, your family or business donates $100, one of the spokes on the restored wheels will carry your name on a mounted plate for posterity. Just call one of the phone numbers above and we will write you a tax deductible receipt for your donation.
We are looking forward to using the wagon for the annual May Day parade again. We enjoy the opportunity to show our youngsters what it was like, “back in the good old days”.
The museum had many visitors this year and received generous donations. One such donation was a $500 cheque from Ann Voegtlin, a great granddaughter of Frances X. Richter.
Some of you may recall that last year Ann spent a week at the museum updating our records with data that she brought for us and supplementing her records with information that she gleaned in our museum. She also donated a $500 cheque last year.
It is through donations such as these that we manage to keep the building and grounds available to the public and to hire the summer students to continually up-date our records. We have historical information on many local families in the area. You can add more information to our existing records or create your own families history for our records.
Thanks to everyone that supported us at the museum’s display July 1 at Memorial Park and for the Similkameen Sizzle PepperFest last weekend we hope you enjoyed our display.
Upcoming events include our October 4 meeting at the Ecumenical Church at 607- 5th Street. Bob Dennis from the Lower Similkameen Indian Band will address the group with stories from local First Nations history. Everyone is invited to attend Bob’s talk at 7 p.m., meeting to follow at 7:30.
For more information about the museum’s activities, visit