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Keremeos Legion silent auction raises record amount

The silent auction brought in just under $4,000, says volunteer Susan Hoffus
The fourth year of the Keremeos Legion’s silent auction and fundraiser brought in just under $4,000, making it the best year yet. (Contributed)

This year’s Keremeos Royal Canadian Legion silent auction and fundraiser brought in just under $4,000—more than ever before, according to volunteer Susan Hoffus.

READ MORE: Keremeos Legion silent auction kicks off Sept. 18 this year

In its fourth year, Hoffus said people are becoming familiar with the fundraising event and it is getting around by word of mouth. Her posts on social media and a story and advertising in the newspaper also helped.

“We had four people who were really committed this year so that made us go out and get a few bigger items,” she said. “The response on Facebook, like the Keremeos and Area Chit Chat, was good too. I would update on their all the time about the opening and people were liking (it) and sharing.”

More people hearing about the fundraiser meant more people came out on the last night. The event ran Sept. 18 to Oct. 2.

“People were constantly coming in and out, keeping an eye on their biding. People came in right at 6:50 p.m. and just watched so they could get that last bid in there. So it was great that way.”

READ MORE: Keremeos Legion gives big to help community initiatives

All of the items on the auction block were donated by local businesses and artists. Popular items included the two custom-made log benches and tickets to the Cheech and Chong show in Penticton. Wineries, including Corcelettes Estate Winery and Seven Stones, donated gift certificates.

The money raised will go to local organizations or families in immediate need in the community instead of the Legion’s regular fundraisers, where money must go to B.C. Gaming-designated non-profits and charities.

In 2018, the local Legion raised more than $30,000 from these events.

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