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Waxing poetic about the Enbridge pipeline

I have no voice - I have no choice - I have no say - I have to do whatever my masters say.

To the Editor:

I have no voice - I have no choice - I have no say - I have to do whatever my masters say.

I am to be a future pipeline so I’m told - for the transport of oil, that liquid gold.

Unlike Fed X  or U.P.S  if my seams burst or a tanker sinks - no doubt will leave a giant mess or slick - making God’s forests and all his creatures far beyond being sick.

I don’t drive the highways on  land or fly  airplanes in the sky but super tankers carry my cargo from  tar-oil sands to foreign lands far across the sea with no thought or worry about mother nature - you and me.

Like a snake built of man-made steel, I will  wind and slither through pristine wilderness and sail in waters clear.

If I get the crook as they say “down under” this Enbridge caper could be their biggest blunder .

From  the high and low of mountain peaks - through the pristine wilderness trails - over and under babbling creeks - rivers and  winding streams I will creep.

I have no shame built in my metal skin  as the name of man’s game is likely my only sin.

Why, oh why is the greed for the almighty buck - greater to those who don’t give a you-know-what.

I have no conscience like my builder so please don’t blame me or Mr. Clean who can clean your house and everything that’s in it but a potential leaky such as I - will only make Him and the whole world cry.


Tom Isherwood, Olalla