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Refusal to accept smart meter within consumer’s right

I will not accept a Smart Meter or an opt out fee, nor will I accept any sort of intimidation from FortisBC

To the Editor:

An open letter to FortisBC:

I will not accept a Smart Meter or an opt out fee, nor will I accept any sort of intimidation from you.

FortisBC is not entitled to impose an opt out fee and by doing so, violates my rights.

You are presenting fees in a manner that is misleading- causing people to believe that your actions are authorized when they are not.

The fees are extortionary; advanced with the intent of forcing people to abandon their rights of privacy and autonomy in their own homes, forcing them to abandon their right to be free from interference and free from incessant microwave exposure if they so choose. This is extortion.

My answer is no. I will not accept a smart meter; nor will I be intimidated  by the threat of paying a fee, the imposition of which is unlawful.

Sincerely,  George Venables, Cawston