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Looking for Cawston Hall photos

I am looking for photos of the Cawston Hall, inside and out, and any good photos of Cawston area.

To the Editor:

I am looking for photos of the Cawston Hall, inside and out, and any good photos of Cawston area.  Preferably with people and buildings. The photos will be scanned and returned to you as I just would like to use them in an art project to help raise funds for the Cawston Hall Society.

It would also be helpful to the South Similkameen Museum if we could have copies of any Cawston area photographs.  We have so few in our files that we very seldom can fulfill the requests that we receive.  You can contact myself, Judy Chisholm at 250-499-6034 or Sara at the museum on Tues. through Sat. at 250-499-9295.

Thanks for your support Judy Chisholm, artist, - President SSMS.