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First Nations vote only benefits one candidate

Don't understand why candidate is interested in First Nations vote

To the Editor:

I see in Hedley a notice has been posted and highlighted that members of First Nations and non-native residents of First Nation lands are eligible to vote Nov. 19 if they meet the criteria. There are also rumours going around that Ms.Wood  (one of the candidates for Area “G”) is arranging for a bus to pick up and take First Nations people to the polling place.


Is this fair to the other two candidates, and is this fair to First Nations people who stand to gain nothing by being used in this way? First Nations residents do not pay taxes to the RDOS and would not benefit from this.

In the past, First Nations residents have not needed to vote, now Ms. Wood would like to make sure that she uses them for extra votes?


This seems very unfair to everyone involved - except Ms. Wood.

M. Fourchalk, Hedley