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Concrete barriers represent a hazard, not a safety feature

Recently completed improvements to highway are not safe, says reader

To the Editor:

Unfortunately no highway can be “carefree” as all drivers know.

I do have a concern on the “new” section of this highway.  The extensive use of concrete barriers on both sides of the same stretch of road can create a more dangerous situation, especially in black ice or winter driving conditions.  A vehicle losing control has a much higher chance of hitting the barrier and bouncing back into traffic where a single vehicle incident can easily turn into a multiple incident.

You do not often see barriers along a bank section of highway.  It is fine to install barriers along the lake side to prevent vehicles from going into the lake but installing them on both sides of the road will lead to more head on collisions.  An out of control vehicle, instead of driving into the ditch, will now be trapped between the barriers.

M. McLean, Keremeos