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Team building exercise at SESS dominoes

Students at SESS are keeping busy during their lunch hours this winter through the development of house team competitions.
Elementary school teacher Nikki Johnson watches students as they attempt to build the tallest domino structure in the elementary school gym at SESS last Thursday


Elementary students at Similkameen Elementary Secondary School are keeping busy during their lunch hours this winter through the development of  house team competitions.

Students in grades five through seven are mixed into four houses - Inferno, Tornado, Earthquake, and Blizzard. The monikers are based on the elementary school sports teams designation as “Storm.”

Students are divided up into the various houses to compete through the school season in a variety of athletic, academic and social challenges.The students have engaged in basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, spelling bees, airplane contests, domino tower building, and board games. Each team accumulates points during the year with the winning team wins the house cup.

The house team idea has had a positive effect on school culture, helping to increase students’ attachments to the school and providing a structure to extracirricular activities.