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Municipal salaries revealed at regular board meeting

Statement of Financial Interest posts salaries of municipal officials remuneration exceeding $75,000 as well as local politicians

Council Member Indemnity Expenses Total

Bauer, Manfred $10,115.04 $6,569.34 $16,684.38

Cowling, Charlene $6,354 $0.00 $6,354

Thielmann, Gary $6,354 $4,734.64 $11,088.84

Evans, Jeremy $6,354 0.00 $6,354

Arlene Arlow $6,354 $847.79 $7,201.79

Totals $35,531 $12,151.77 $47,682.81

The indemnity includes an officials tax free allowance of one - third.




Village of Keremeos employees salaries and expenses exceeding $75,000 in 2014

Name Saary Expense Total

Taylor, Laurie $92,206.3 $791.89 $92998.19

Other $400,676.07 $5,149.78 $405,825.65

$492,882.37 $5,941.67 $498,824.04

Total renumeration (elected officials) $35,531

Total remuneration (other employees) $492,882

Subtotal $528,413

Employer share of benefits $125,298

Reconciling items ($22,681)




Total expenses $631,030