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Forum offers facts and information on GM technology

Information on GM foods
BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko

Genetic modification (GM) is recombinant DNA technology, also called genetic engineering or GE.

With genetic engineering scientists can change plants or animals at the molecular level by inserting genes or DNA segments from other organisms. Unlike conventional breeding and hybridization, the process of genetic engineering enables the direct transfer of genes between different species or kingdoms that would not breed in nature.

We don’t know what, if any impacts GM foods could have on our health. There are many unanswered safety questions.

Scientists warn that:

- the process of genetic engineering could create new allergens.

- foreign DNA may be able to survive in the human gut.

- animal feeding studies indicate liver and kidney problems.

Once GM plants are  released into the environment they cannot be controlled or recalled. Genetic pollution is irriversible living pollution that self replicates. Contamination of other plants is a major problem because the genes from any crop can move, via seed and pollen flow. GM crops are resulting in increased pesticide use, herbicide tolerant weeds, and the expansion of industrial farming.

GM technology facilitates corporate control because patents on genetic sequences mean that corporations can own seeds. Monsanto is the largest seed company in the world and owns about 80 per cent of GM seeds sown globally.

Organically labelled foods are not allowed to be  GM modified. By avoiding the consumption of processed foods with corn, canola, and soy ingredients, you can avoid eating GM foods as well.

The following websites contain more information on the campaign to stop GM science in food production:
