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Council decides on new projects and services

Changes to the 2011 operating budget were  discussed and made at the March 9 budget meeting.

Council reviewed all requested changes to the operating budget and by consensus directed that the following requests be given preliminary approval for inclusion in the 2011 operating budget:

Requests for grant in aids for community organizations:

- Similkameen Citizens on Patrol ($750)

-Similkameen Country events ($2,400 including $400 for an All Candidates Forum).

-South Similkameen Museum ($2,500)

-Garden Club ($1,150)

-Kars Under the “K” ($500)

-Okanagan Regional Library ($162   subject to determining Areas”B” and “G” contribution.

-Similkameen Country Tourism Promotion ($12,000)

2.Similkameen Valley Planning Society - ($6,300) annual funding

Funded by an increase in the Village tax rate, which will be offset by a reduction in the regional district’s tax rate.

3. Farmworkers’ Campground - $450 in addition to the $750 currently for a total contribution of $1,200; subject to confirming  that Areas “B” and “G” are also contrtibuting the same amount.

5. Dike dangerous trees ($4,760)

6.Community Resource Centre Building water lines - ($4,400)

7.Sidewalk roadway crossing (Seventh Street between Seventh Avenue and Veterans Avenue $3,200

9. Cemetery irrigation - ($2,228 funded from interest earned within the Cemetery Care Reserve Fund

11. Downtown trash receptacles ($3,860)

(Funded from the Economic / Business Development Reserve)

14. Public Works Building light retrofit ($1,235)

14-1. Case backhoe ripper attachment ($2,460)

15. Increase transfer to equipment reserve ($12,500)

16. Transfer 2010 surplus to road reserve ($93,000)

(Funded from accumulated surplus)

17. Sewer mainline flush and inspection $16,150 (Funded from the sewer reserve)

18. Asset management $15,000

19 Liquid Waste Management Plan $27,000

20. Transfer 2010 surplus to sewer reserve $44,000 (Funded from accumulated surplus)


The projects listed above resulted in a deficit of $12,648, something that will be addressed at a future meeting.

The following items have been set aside for further delibration prior to final drafting of the 2011 budget:


8. Decorative LED street lighting on Seventh Street between Seventh Avenue and Veteran’s Avenue $3,960

10. Cemetery headstone placement pad $1,360

13. Decorative LED street lighting on Seventh Avenue ($3,585 per year)

Council further directed that:

12. Village flag pole be deferred to 2012.

Two other projects not included for funding were not included because of the following reasons:

4. Citizen survey - Council requested that staff develop a number of appropriate questions and include them in existing mail outs, such as the upcoming tax levy. It was also recommended that the village website be used to solicit citizen feedback.

5. Grist Mill contribution towards capital upgrades: council advised that they may reconsider this request at a later date, with funding from the existing council donation account.